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Have You Scheduled a Heating Tune-Up Yet?


Have You Scheduled a Heating Tune-Up Yet?

If not, now is a perfect time! We always recommend early fall for scheduling heating maintenance. The reason for this is because it’s right before you need your heating system the most. Additionally, it’s when HVAC technicians are a lot less likely to be out on emergency calls and other service calls.

But honestly, when we are talking about maintenance, consistency is what’s really vital. Consistent tune-ups will help ensure that your heating system works as effectively and efficiently as possible for as long as possible, so that you know your heater is always ready to do its job when you need it.

Read on as we uncover why this heating service is so important!

“Wait, I Really Need Maintenance Every Year?”

Yes. Well, it’s possible that your furnace will get through another winter without a maintenance session. However, you can’t count on it to be as efficient or as effective as you need it to be. Tune-ups are the best thing you can do for your heater. When our technicians complete maintenance and inspections, you’re left with a system that can:

  • Decrease your energy bills.
  • Needs fewer repairs.
  • Offers an extended lifespan.

“Is This the Case Even If My Furnace Is New?”

brand new furnace certainly should have been inspected during installation, so if that happened within the last year, you may not need maintenance this fall. If, however, you used it last year, it’s time for a tune-up. Many homeowners try going 3 or 4 years between maintenance appointments and are usually disappointed by the performance of their system.

Actually, even if your heater was installed just last year, it’s a good idea to have it looked at. Your manufacturer’s warranty may even necessitate this. Also, it minimizes wear and tear even more, reducing the chance of a sudden system breakdown.

“Is It Ever Too Soon For Maintenance?”

Nope! Like we mentioned above, consistency is key here. A complete inspection and tune-up of your heater might reveal that there is a repair you need. Addressing it now means preventing a domino effect of failing parts inside your furnace or heating system.

“Is Maintenance Expensive?”

Maintenance helps prevent 85% of the repair needs an HVAC system may ever need in its lifespan! The reason for this is because we catch small repairs before they turn into bigger emergencies. By default, this helps you save a ton of money. And that’s not all…

Ask about our maintenance program! We’ll set you up with reminders to have your service done, and you’ll enjoy a system that will last longer and work more efficiently. A more efficient system is a less expensive system.

Keep Your System Safe

If you have a gas-powered system, this is a particular benefit of maintenance to keep in mind. While they are not inherently dangerous, gas-powered furnaces can certainly become hazardous if not properly cared for. This is the last thing you need to worry about! Contact us to schedule your next tune-up.

Contact Apple Aire Heating & Cooling for professional heating maintenance in Denver, CO. Family-Owned & Serving the Denver Metro since 1988.