Xcel Energy and Denver Climate Action Rebate Information
With inflation on the rise, it’s more important than ever for homeowners to try to find new ways to save money. Investing in a new high-efficiency heat pump can help to conserve energy and lower your monthly utility costs. What’s more, homeowners in Denver, Co, and the surrounding areas may be eligible to qualify for a couple of significant HVAC rebates that could help offset the initial cost of installing these new systems. At Apple Aire Heating & Cooling, we’re here to help you understand these HVAC rebates and find the best equipment for your needs,
Xcel Energy Rebates
Xcel Energy is offering $1,000 in rebates for qualifying air-source heat pumps and $600 in rebates for qualifying ductless mini-split systems. Homeowners and landlords of rental properties must be residential electric customers of Xcel Energy in Colorado to be eligible for this rebate. Additionally, the equipment must be installed by a participating contractor. Apple Aire Heating & Cooling is such a contractor and will provide you with an application form with the majority of it completed. If you own multiple qualifying new heat pump systems, you can receive rebates for each system.
Requirements for High-Efficiency Air-Source Heat Pump Rebate
- Efficiency Minimums: 15+ Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER), 11.5+ Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER), 9+ Heating Seasonal Performance Factor (HSPF)
- Rebate: $800
- Bonus: $700 bonus for heat pumps invoiced July 11, 2022, or later
Requirements for Cold Climate Air-Source Heat Pump Rebate
- Efficiency Minimums: 18+ SEER, 11.5+ EER, 9.5 Heating Seasonal Performance Factor (HSPF)
- Additional Requirements: The unit must be listed on ashp.neep.org and must have a heating capacity at 5°F of at least 70% of the heating BTU at 47°F
- Rebate: $1,000
- Bonus: $1,000 bonus for heat pumps invoiced July 11, 2022, or later
Requirements for High-Efficiency Mini-Split Heat Pump Rebate
- Efficiency Minimums: 15+ SEER, 11+ EER, 9+ HSPF
- Rebate: $500
- Bonus: $1,000 bonus for heat pumps invoiced July 11, 2022, or later
Requirements for Cold Climate Air-Source Heat Pump Rebate
- Efficiency Minimums: 18+ SEER, 11+ EER, 9.5+ HSPF
- Additional Requirements: The unit must be listed on ashp.neep.org and must have a heating capacity at 5°F of at least 70% of the heating BTU at 47°F
- Rebate: $600
- Bonus: $1,400 bonus for heat pumps invoiced July 11, 2022, or later
Denver Climate Action Rebates
Some homeowners may be eligible for incentives of up to 100% of installed project costs after taking advantage of Xcel’s rebates depending on their income. Homeowners with air-source heat pumps or mini-split systems can qualify for $1,500 with the high-efficiency heat pump rebate and $3,500 with the cold climate heat pump rebate.
Qualifying for Denver Climate Action Rebates
- You must live in the City and County of Denver
- You must apply the rebate to a project at an existing residence. New construction is not eligible
- Project location must be in an existing single-family home or multi-family building of 4 units or less
- You must be an Xcel Energy customer
To meet the income-dependent requirement, homeowners must meet one of the following criteria.
- Current enrollment in the State of Colorado Low-Income-Energy Assistance Program (LEAP)
- Current enrollment in Energy Outreach Colorado’s Colorado Affordable Residential Energy Program (CARE) current
- Current enrollment in another Xcel Energy income-qualified demand side management program
- Current enrollment in Xcel Energy’s income-qualified Community Solar Gardens program
- Have a household income below 60% of the state of Colorado’s median income, below 200% of the relevant federal poverty level, or below 80% of area median income